Importance of Sewer Pump Stations

Sewer pump stations play a critical role in providing efficient water and sewage services. In its raw form, sewage is not environmentally safe and must be treated at sewage treatment plants. To reach these plants, sewage needs to be transported underground through pipes and mains.

How Sewer Pump Stations Work

A pump station collects sewage or wastewater in a chamber known as a wet well. When the collected sewage reaches a predetermined level, a high-pressure integral pump activates, lifting the sewage through a discharge system. The liquid is then pumped into a sewage treatment works or gravity sewer. This process allows the sewage to continually move to the treatment plant, especially when gravity-fed networks are not feasible.

Components and Functionality

Sewage pump stations consist of a large tank (wet well) that receives sewage from buildings. The pumps are designed to prevent blockages with wide intakes and operate automatically without human intervention. Remote monitoring systems keep operators updated, and alarm systems alert maintenance personnel to any issues.


  • Automatic Operation: Pumps activate and deactivate based on sewage levels.
  • Remote Monitoring: Systems are equipped with remote monitoring for real-time updates.
  • Blockage Prevention: Wide intakes help prevent blockages.
  • Alarm Systems: Alarms alert maintenance personnel to problems.

Maintenance and Common Issues

While sewage pump stations are designed to minimize odors and operate quietly, lack of maintenance can cause blockages, fat build-up, and mechanical issues. Regular maintenance is essential to prevent these problems and ensure the system operates smoothly.

Neighborhood Sewage Pump Stations

Sewage pump stations are usually quiet, with most components located underground. Above ground, you’ll find a secure electrical cabinet housing the power supply and pump controls. At ground level, there is typically a flat concrete slab with secure access covers. Properly maintained stations are designed to minimize odors, but issues like blockages or grease build-up can cause smells.


Sewer pump stations are vital for transporting sewage to treatment plants efficiently. They combine automatic operation, remote monitoring, and alarm systems to ensure reliability and safety. Regular maintenance is key to preventing issues and ensuring these systems serve their essential function effectively.